Sunday, September 9, 2012

Grand Opening Party! How to Launch Your Usana Business

Towering over Enilda at her Grand Opening Party

Having a Grand Opening Party is a great way to launch any business and especially your USANA business. Invite guests to celebrate your new venture and get people talking about your business right away!  You don't need to rent an expensive venue. It can be done right out of your own home. Unless you are a complete recluse, you have family and friends that you can invite over to learn about what your new venture is all about while sampling products. Generating sales, taking orders and providing an insight as to your motivation for starting your wellness business is liberating for you and is an example for others. Fun and easy here are a few tips I picked up at Enilda Rosas Grand Opening Party over Labor Day weekend.
Vanessa holds a bouquet of fresh wildflowers for the occasion

1. Get Dressed Up! It's a party and it's your grand opening party! Wear something a bit nicer than jeans and show your guests that they are in for something special that is important to you.
2. Have A Program. After greeting your guests let them know why they are there and the purpose of the gathering. Introduce USANA Health Sciences and it's mission. Give some background on Dr. Myron Wentz the founder.  Putting the event into context for people lets them know what to expect.
3. Give your own testimonial as to why you have gotten involved be it health or wealth or both. This will be meaningful to them. Remember these are people that know and love you and want you to be successful. Let them know how they can do that but keep it short. 35 minutes is usually enough.You can always break up into smaller groups or do 1 to 1's

4. Introduce the Product Line. USANA is broken up into three different categories:
 Nutritional supplements for ALL Ages, Diet and Energy and Personal & Body Care. It's impressive!

5. Let them know about the purity of the products, the potency guarantee, NSF and GMP certifications, the athlete guarantee, partnerships formed with LPI, TOSH, Dr. Oz, Boston University, Sanoviv and that we are an FDA regulated facility. This establishes the fact that USANA is a solid science based manufacturer on the leading edge of advancements in nutritional science for all people. While you are at it let them know USANA has been in business for 20 years paying associates weekly for their efforts.

6. Serve USANA foods alongside any other dishes you have. Set up a Smoothie Bar so guests can sample the Dutch Chocolate, French Vanilla and Strawberry Nutrimeal drinks. Give them a Rev3 iced tea by adding slices of lemon or lime. Serve nutrition bars as hors d'oeuvres and be sure to show off our newest offering the vegan friendly gluten free Go Nuts N Berries bar. Cut them up into slices along with peanut butter crunch, chocolate fusion and oatmeal raisin bar and serve. A Sense Beauty bar is always a hit!

7. Have  Fun!
USANA is all about you and how you want to fit the products into your lifestyle. At Enilda's the 96th Birthday party of her mother was also observed.  Be personal and be personable. Let people know how this can be an easy solution to life's challenges. Be the positive we can get it done go to person. Being a beacon of hope in someone's life is priceless.
Have Fun!

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