Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Health & Happiness Summit - Dr. Ro The Go To Nutitionist for Oz and Fit Kidz

When Dr.Rovenia Brock the go to nutritionist for the Dr. Oz Show and founder of Dr. Ro's Series Fit Kidz boldly declared from the stage of Radio City Music Hall that she was 56 years old there was an audible gasp heard round the hall.  I myself will be 49 in April and though I consider myself a fairly good judge of age my guess of 40 was 16 years off! The lady is fine and with more curves than Jessica Rabbit she is a testimony to health and self acceptance in practice. Looks are only part of her compelling story as she explained that where she began her life was far, far away from where she is today. After telling us some scary facts about obesity in America -  1 out of 3 children are over weight and that 72% of all Americans are obese we moved on. I'd like to mention here that later Dr. Northrup would speak about the connection between child hood trauma and self destructive habits as documented by the A Study. That being all well and good it seems that Dr. "Ro" is an example of someone who  somehow managed to transcend the self sabotage that people fall victim to by becoming extremely self conscious and self examining. As she put it "It's not how you start out but where you end up that counts." Amen Dr. Ro!  The traumatic incidents of her own childhood are her fuel for a mission mixed with a passion to stop childhood obesity in it's tracks. Her motivation? Death in her own family resulting from bad eating habits. Raised by a single mother with the assistance of a grandmother and aunt, she lost all three of them to disease by the age 9. At 7 years she would lose her aunt first, her mother's only sister who passed at  44 years old. Her grandmother would be next and finally at age 9 her mother and sole parent died. The daily Southern breakfast eaten at home was devoid of any fruits or vegetables consisting solely of half a dozen fried dishes fashioned from refined flours and sugars with a good dose of her gramma's "stand up coffee".  Listening to the menu I honestly don't know how anyone could eat that morning after morning and function let alone function properly the rest of the day. Clearly her profound loss made her determined not to suffer the same fate or if she can help it anyone else she comes in contact with either through her books or television appearances.
Fit Kidz  strives to teach children the value of good eating habits and meditation practices in their lives in a fun way. A tour of her site reveals inexpensive episodes available for download for a mere $1.29 along with catchy headings like  Skippin Skate Boards They Put Food in Groups!  or Holy Soccer Balls It's Snack Time. May the force be with you Dr. Ro! Assist Dr. Ro on her mission by taking a look at her many offerings.  See Videos of Dr. Ro on Anderson Cooper

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